Call for applications:
Design Negation
Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211KM Maastricht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)43 350 37 24
Fax: +31 (0)43 350 37 59
Contact: Leon Westenberg
Deadline: 15 June 2008
Design Negation
This research project seeks to establish new vocabularies and aesthetic possibilities for design to formulate a political negation. It aspires to formulate a response to the current wave of populist views in public opinion and politics in the Netherlands. It departs from the point of view that these emergent movements cannot be addressed by traditional vocabularies and strategies; research is needed.
Currently, many design gestures fulfil, even if they are 'dressed in dissent', an affirmative role in relation to their social and political surroundings. 'Critical design' has increasingly become a matter of armchair debates among experts, its history linked to the slow transformation of emancipatory movements of the past that have transformed into consensual partners of the welfare state.
Design has withdrawn its potential to intervene from everyday reality – that requires not only judgment, but also decisions – in order to concentrate on goals associated with universal 'good' and 'social values'. It turns out that many of these goals are now served by the principles of marketing and advertising, and as such fail to grasp the particularities of situations. The emergence of right-wing populism presents a possibility for designers to update their social and political priorities.
Design Negation will consist of intellectual, creative and practical research and production regarding the rightist politicians that have come to the fore in the Netherlands in the post-Fortuyn years. These politicians claim that they have simple and effective answers to the social, political and cultural implications of immigration and globalization, and count among their supporters many people who do not identify with the existing party elites. Design Negation believes that a potential answer does not only lie in creating a counter language, but also in studying and investigating the socio-political mechanisms of these movements.
What role does the Internet and in particular the social networking platform play in the construction of Rita Verdonk's 'politics 2.0'?
How is the anonymity of the Internet used to 'confront' the other and 'express one's opinion'?
Do hate speeches and 'freedom of expression' work together to ensureprivileged forms of public opinion?
Which companies, brands and other private players align themselves with the politics of right-wing populism by advertising on its web platforms?
What kinds of new hegemonies and power relations are created in the self-declared abolition of party politics?
In what ways are corporate interests represented in these movements?
How does right-wing populism provide symbols and images which on the one hand dissociate it from social-democratic practices, and on the other hand from the permanent threat of being identified with the extreme right?
In the meantime, by means of a series of public discussions and lectures, Design Negation will set up a discourse about these core topics with artists, designers, theoreticians, politicians, researchers, activists and the public. Design Negation will start as of Fall 2008.
Design Negation is an initiative of Daniël van der Velden, advising researcher in the Design department of the Jan van Eyck Academie.
Candidates interested in this project can apply with a research proposal. Selected candidates gain the position of researcher at the Design department of the Jan van Eyck Academie.
For more information on the practical part of your application, financial questions, and other matters, please consult the website or contact the academy via Leon Westenberg,, telephone +31 (0)43 350 37 24.
dear all,
next scenario:
tuesday may 27th.
take care,
dinsdag 22 april 2008
f r i s _ l i c h t
s i g n a l e n v a n d e h o r i z o n
hoofdredactie: ingmar de lange, mountview
fris_licht is een weblog over innovatieve merkactiviteiten.
Inspirerende presentatievormen
Adverteren en social-networks een moeilijke combinatie
Onitsuka Tiger verkoopt schoenen in automaat
Een boel - leuke - reclames
Groove Armada maakt muziekdeal met Bacardi
IKEA gebruikt metro als showroom
Gratis boek als promotiestunt
Boekentip over online marketing: Groundswell
8 marketingtips ten tijde van een recessie
Levi's mobile telefoon bij Colette
s i g n a l e n v a n d e h o r i z o n
hoofdredactie: ingmar de lange, mountview
fris_licht is een weblog over innovatieve merkactiviteiten.
Inspirerende presentatievormen
Adverteren en social-networks een moeilijke combinatie
Onitsuka Tiger verkoopt schoenen in automaat
Een boel - leuke - reclames
Groove Armada maakt muziekdeal met Bacardi
IKEA gebruikt metro als showroom
Gratis boek als promotiestunt
Boekentip over online marketing: Groundswell
8 marketingtips ten tijde van een recessie
Levi's mobile telefoon bij Colette
dinsdag 8 april 2008
international on-line competition for university students
La Biennale di Venezia
11th International Architecture Exhibition
EveryVille 2008
Communities beyond Place, Civic consciousness beyond Architecture
International on-line competition for university students
Venice, 8 April 2008 – For the 11th International Architecture Exhibition, Out There: Architecture Beyond Building, the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, presents, with Telecom Italia, the international on-line competition, EveryVille 2008. Communities beyond Place, Civic consciousness beyond Architecture, curated by Aaron Betsky and Francesco Delogu and open to students of all disciplines from Italian and foreign universities, who have not graduated within January, 1st 2008.
EveryVille 2008 is an initiative made possible by the collaboration between the Biennale di Venezia and Gruppo Telecom Italia, which makes available the most innovative technology for the realisation of the contest and for the display of the winning projects. Software powered by in collaboration with domus.
The presentation of EveryVille 2008 on 8th April at the Auditorium of Santa Marta in the University of IUAV in Venice, will see the participation of the Biennale’s President, Paolo Baratta, the Rector of the University of IUAV, Carlo Magnani, and the Director of the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture, Aaron Betsky, with an open lesson.
By vocation, the Biennale di Venezia believes in the young, in their creative ability, the strength of their ideas. This is a conviction that over time has taken material form in dedicated initiatives and projects and which, for the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture (14th September - 23rd November 2008), will take the form of the EveryVille 2008 competition.
The competition invites participants to elaborate an idea or project on the basis of a theoretical and critical text by the Director of the 11th Exhibition, Aaron Betsky. The new feature, which provides an element of challenge and the great stimulus in the contest, lies in the fact that the work of the first ten in the rankings and 40 honourable mentions – as selected by the international jury, chaired by the Biennale Chairman, Paolo Baratta, and comprising Aaron Betsky, Francesco Delogu, Zaha Hadid, Thom Mayne, Luisa Hutton, Flavio Albanese and Luigi Centola – will become an integral part of the 11th Exhibition and will be displayed in a special section in the Artiglierie dell’Arsenale, Venice. For the inauguration of the 11th Exhibition, an official awards ceremony for the 50 groups will be held in the presence of the President, Paolo Baratta and of the Director, Aaron Betsky, with the conferment of the diplomas and certificates of merit.
Competitors can register on line from 8th April 2008 and must do so by 1st July 2008 (10 a.m. Italian time), filling in the form available from Participation can be effected individually or through the formation of a group. Interdisciplinary and multicultural collaborations are encouraged. A payment of euro 10 will be requested for every individual registering for the competition, or for every component of a group intending to participate. All participants will receive free entry to the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture.
In the text describing the competition, Aaron Betsky illustrates an imaginary and at the same time real city, EveryVille, and observes it in the future; the theme he proposes working on is the constitution of a sense of community beyond physical space and – vice versa – the imagination of an architectural system able to create a sense of belonging. Students are invited to explore the contents and methods of experimental and innovative architecture, and at the same time to reflect on the concepts linked to technology and communications.
An imagined scenario is presented in which the administrators of EveryVille are discussing how best “to give a sense of identity and coherence” to this new urban conglomeration, drawing in the citizens into the decision. During a consultation, these citizens are divided as to whether it should be “the symbolic fulcrum of the new community”. There are those who propose a symbolic and monumental building; others something like a university and campus able to house the administrative offices; others again a more traditional town hall. Most citizens, however, believe public buildings to be “a waste of time and money” and that a Starbuck’s would be more useful and appealing. The mayor of EveryVille is interested in developing a “programme that goes beyond buildings”, in tracing out guidelines enabling the city to “grow as a cohesive and participative community, within a healthy setting”. Participants in the competition must imagine solutions conferring “an image, a coherence, a character and a civic consciousness” on the small town, in accordance with its position, history, site and future. The proposals may be eccentric and even utopian. The proposals presented must be developed as an idea or project showing “the citizens how EveryVille will appear in ten years’ time and how this community will acquire significance through architecture”. The materials requested include two images (which can include several drawings) of the idea or project and a descriptive text in English of a maximum of 2000 characters.
Gruppo Telecom Italia, a partner of the Biennale di Venezia for other important initiatives, is renewing its commitment to the Fondazione by guaranteeing the availability of the best technology for the realisation in real time and exclusively on line, of an original and particularly rewarding contest for the young public.
Telecom Italia will stand alongside the Fondazione also for the successive “physical” manifestation of the winning and noted entries, which will be displayed in the Exhibition’s spaces in the Giardini and the Arsenale.
Newitalianblood, the only interactive portal equipped with patented systems for the integral operation of competitions and architectural awards on line, is providing the dedicated software for the operation of the contest on line. domus, the international magazine, is collaborating in the realisation of the initiative by offering valuable promotion of the contest.
The 11th International Architecture Exhibition, Out There: Architecture Beyond Building, directed by Aaron Betsky and organised by the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, will be held in Venice from Sunday 14th September to Sunday 23rd November 2008 in the Giardini and at the Arsenale. The vernissage will take place on the 11th, 12th and 13th September 2008.
Aaron Betsky – former director for six years of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) in Rotterdam, one of the most important museums and architecture centres in the world, and director since last year of the Cincinnati Art Museum – is putting together the 11th International Architecture Exhibition with the help of an international group of curators: Francesco Delogu, Emiliano Gandolfi, Casey Jones, Reed Kroloff and Saskia van Stein. Their work will form the basis also for a catalogue and a series of conferences and debates. The catalogue of the 11th Exhibition will be published by Marsilio. The official website is
For further information
Architecture Press Office at la Biennale di Venezia
Tel. 041 - 5218846/849/716
Fax 041 - 2411407
11th International Architecture Exhibition
EveryVille 2008
Communities beyond Place, Civic consciousness beyond Architecture
International on-line competition for university students
Venice, 8 April 2008 – For the 11th International Architecture Exhibition, Out There: Architecture Beyond Building, the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, presents, with Telecom Italia, the international on-line competition, EveryVille 2008. Communities beyond Place, Civic consciousness beyond Architecture, curated by Aaron Betsky and Francesco Delogu and open to students of all disciplines from Italian and foreign universities, who have not graduated within January, 1st 2008.
EveryVille 2008 is an initiative made possible by the collaboration between the Biennale di Venezia and Gruppo Telecom Italia, which makes available the most innovative technology for the realisation of the contest and for the display of the winning projects. Software powered by in collaboration with domus.
The presentation of EveryVille 2008 on 8th April at the Auditorium of Santa Marta in the University of IUAV in Venice, will see the participation of the Biennale’s President, Paolo Baratta, the Rector of the University of IUAV, Carlo Magnani, and the Director of the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture, Aaron Betsky, with an open lesson.
By vocation, the Biennale di Venezia believes in the young, in their creative ability, the strength of their ideas. This is a conviction that over time has taken material form in dedicated initiatives and projects and which, for the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture (14th September - 23rd November 2008), will take the form of the EveryVille 2008 competition.
The competition invites participants to elaborate an idea or project on the basis of a theoretical and critical text by the Director of the 11th Exhibition, Aaron Betsky. The new feature, which provides an element of challenge and the great stimulus in the contest, lies in the fact that the work of the first ten in the rankings and 40 honourable mentions – as selected by the international jury, chaired by the Biennale Chairman, Paolo Baratta, and comprising Aaron Betsky, Francesco Delogu, Zaha Hadid, Thom Mayne, Luisa Hutton, Flavio Albanese and Luigi Centola – will become an integral part of the 11th Exhibition and will be displayed in a special section in the Artiglierie dell’Arsenale, Venice. For the inauguration of the 11th Exhibition, an official awards ceremony for the 50 groups will be held in the presence of the President, Paolo Baratta and of the Director, Aaron Betsky, with the conferment of the diplomas and certificates of merit.
Competitors can register on line from 8th April 2008 and must do so by 1st July 2008 (10 a.m. Italian time), filling in the form available from Participation can be effected individually or through the formation of a group. Interdisciplinary and multicultural collaborations are encouraged. A payment of euro 10 will be requested for every individual registering for the competition, or for every component of a group intending to participate. All participants will receive free entry to the 11th International Exhibition of Architecture.
In the text describing the competition, Aaron Betsky illustrates an imaginary and at the same time real city, EveryVille, and observes it in the future; the theme he proposes working on is the constitution of a sense of community beyond physical space and – vice versa – the imagination of an architectural system able to create a sense of belonging. Students are invited to explore the contents and methods of experimental and innovative architecture, and at the same time to reflect on the concepts linked to technology and communications.
An imagined scenario is presented in which the administrators of EveryVille are discussing how best “to give a sense of identity and coherence” to this new urban conglomeration, drawing in the citizens into the decision. During a consultation, these citizens are divided as to whether it should be “the symbolic fulcrum of the new community”. There are those who propose a symbolic and monumental building; others something like a university and campus able to house the administrative offices; others again a more traditional town hall. Most citizens, however, believe public buildings to be “a waste of time and money” and that a Starbuck’s would be more useful and appealing. The mayor of EveryVille is interested in developing a “programme that goes beyond buildings”, in tracing out guidelines enabling the city to “grow as a cohesive and participative community, within a healthy setting”. Participants in the competition must imagine solutions conferring “an image, a coherence, a character and a civic consciousness” on the small town, in accordance with its position, history, site and future. The proposals may be eccentric and even utopian. The proposals presented must be developed as an idea or project showing “the citizens how EveryVille will appear in ten years’ time and how this community will acquire significance through architecture”. The materials requested include two images (which can include several drawings) of the idea or project and a descriptive text in English of a maximum of 2000 characters.
Gruppo Telecom Italia, a partner of the Biennale di Venezia for other important initiatives, is renewing its commitment to the Fondazione by guaranteeing the availability of the best technology for the realisation in real time and exclusively on line, of an original and particularly rewarding contest for the young public.
Telecom Italia will stand alongside the Fondazione also for the successive “physical” manifestation of the winning and noted entries, which will be displayed in the Exhibition’s spaces in the Giardini and the Arsenale.
Newitalianblood, the only interactive portal equipped with patented systems for the integral operation of competitions and architectural awards on line, is providing the dedicated software for the operation of the contest on line. domus, the international magazine, is collaborating in the realisation of the initiative by offering valuable promotion of the contest.
The 11th International Architecture Exhibition, Out There: Architecture Beyond Building, directed by Aaron Betsky and organised by the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, will be held in Venice from Sunday 14th September to Sunday 23rd November 2008 in the Giardini and at the Arsenale. The vernissage will take place on the 11th, 12th and 13th September 2008.
Aaron Betsky – former director for six years of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) in Rotterdam, one of the most important museums and architecture centres in the world, and director since last year of the Cincinnati Art Museum – is putting together the 11th International Architecture Exhibition with the help of an international group of curators: Francesco Delogu, Emiliano Gandolfi, Casey Jones, Reed Kroloff and Saskia van Stein. Their work will form the basis also for a catalogue and a series of conferences and debates. The catalogue of the 11th Exhibition will be published by Marsilio. The official website is
For further information
Architecture Press Office at la Biennale di Venezia
Tel. 041 - 5218846/849/716
Fax 041 - 2411407
donderdag 3 april 2008
dag derde jaars,
tot dinsdag 8 april,
10 tot 12.30 uur.
fris_licht is een weblog over innovatieve merkactiviteiten.
unilever maakt spinoff tv-serie 24
reuzenkunst van diesel
gratis dr pepper voor heel amerika (als guns'n'roses chinese democracy uitbrengt)
de toekomst van marketing + reclame (volgens space150)
artikel: bouw sterkere merken, integreer product en promotie
brand vs. utility
starbucks laat consument ideeen verzinnen
the creative company conference
houd van je online klagers
als je als merk wat wilt doen met hyves...
de zachte innovaties van seth godin
doe het goed, doe het gratis toDeclare
Call for participation: WALL
WALL is an installation during Kunstvlaai 7 from May 10 till 18, carried out by
Petersburg Project Space; the newest artist initiative in the center of Amsterdam.
Petersburg Project Space designed a specific wall to serve as a physical barrier inside the project space Petersburg will be introducing May 24th. The partition defines the border between the public exhibition area, and the private executive area. On Kunstvlaai 7, we will present a copy of this barrier, WALL, in the outside-exhibition-part of the art fair.
WALL emphasizes and denies our space. By taking the barrier from our project space into the public field, an infinite artist run space is formed. By way of this 'displacement' we want to redefine the value of the WALL outside. Inside Petersburg Project Space the wall is functional; separating the private and public space. Outside the wall is an obstacle which will need to be transformed into a center point.
We ask artists to invent new meaning for our relocated WALL. There will be a selection of 10 proposals. Check for more information about the criteria, deadline, budget, and how to apply.
54th Int'l Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 1-6 May 2008
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen
4th April thru 22nd of June
The focus on the activities of border-crossing, migration and reinvention, and the issues of identity formation, and of seeking new perspectives on the familiar, stem from the emotional history of the town of Friedrichshafen itself, as a border point with an active customs office, as the home of the Zeppelin airship and as the site of devastating bombing at the end of WW2. It is not the least of the roles of borders, to seek to define difference, and with this identity. But, to which region, which country or which city can we say we really belong? How is a city, town or region"s identity constructed? How are the boundaries to other regions, or other cultures, established?
The commissioned projects for the exhibition have seen local and international artists visiting the region and researching these and related questions. The works they present aim to offer triennale visitors, whether locals or guests, new and exciting artistic insights with reference to the place where they find themselves. Having nothing to declare can, after all, also be understood as having nothing to hide.
Participating artists: Lida Abdul, Carla Ahlander, Thom Barth, Otto Berchem, Karolin
Bräg, Nathan Coley, Com&Com, Raphaël Cuomo & Maria Iorio, Martin Dammann, Beth
Derbyshire, Hansruedi Fricker, Rainer Ganahl, Per Hüttner, Andrea Iten, Ruediger John, San Keller, Christian Konzett, Martin Krenn, Anne Lorenz, Kurt Matt, Yves Mettler, Chantal Michel, Alexander Odermatt, Walid Raad /The Atlas Group, Oliver Ressler , Frank & Patrik Riklin, Christof Salzmann, Eran Schaerf, Christian Schwager, Ulrike Shepherd, Roman Signer, Steffenschőni, Ernst Thoma, Sofie Thorsen, Miriam Thyes, Richard Tisserand, Kerstin Wagener, Zoë Walker & Neil Bromwich, Georg Winter, YKON (Sasha Huber, Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Petri Saarikko und Tomas Träskman).
tot dinsdag 8 april,
10 tot 12.30 uur.
fris_licht is een weblog over innovatieve merkactiviteiten.
unilever maakt spinoff tv-serie 24
reuzenkunst van diesel
gratis dr pepper voor heel amerika (als guns'n'roses chinese democracy uitbrengt)
de toekomst van marketing + reclame (volgens space150)
artikel: bouw sterkere merken, integreer product en promotie
brand vs. utility
starbucks laat consument ideeen verzinnen
the creative company conference
houd van je online klagers
als je als merk wat wilt doen met hyves...
de zachte innovaties van seth godin
doe het goed, doe het gratis toDeclare
Call for participation: WALL
WALL is an installation during Kunstvlaai 7 from May 10 till 18, carried out by
Petersburg Project Space; the newest artist initiative in the center of Amsterdam.
Petersburg Project Space designed a specific wall to serve as a physical barrier inside the project space Petersburg will be introducing May 24th. The partition defines the border between the public exhibition area, and the private executive area. On Kunstvlaai 7, we will present a copy of this barrier, WALL, in the outside-exhibition-part of the art fair.
WALL emphasizes and denies our space. By taking the barrier from our project space into the public field, an infinite artist run space is formed. By way of this 'displacement' we want to redefine the value of the WALL outside. Inside Petersburg Project Space the wall is functional; separating the private and public space. Outside the wall is an obstacle which will need to be transformed into a center point.
We ask artists to invent new meaning for our relocated WALL. There will be a selection of 10 proposals. Check for more information about the criteria, deadline, budget, and how to apply.
54th Int'l Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 1-6 May 2008
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen
4th April thru 22nd of June
The focus on the activities of border-crossing, migration and reinvention, and the issues of identity formation, and of seeking new perspectives on the familiar, stem from the emotional history of the town of Friedrichshafen itself, as a border point with an active customs office, as the home of the Zeppelin airship and as the site of devastating bombing at the end of WW2. It is not the least of the roles of borders, to seek to define difference, and with this identity. But, to which region, which country or which city can we say we really belong? How is a city, town or region"s identity constructed? How are the boundaries to other regions, or other cultures, established?
The commissioned projects for the exhibition have seen local and international artists visiting the region and researching these and related questions. The works they present aim to offer triennale visitors, whether locals or guests, new and exciting artistic insights with reference to the place where they find themselves. Having nothing to declare can, after all, also be understood as having nothing to hide.
Participating artists: Lida Abdul, Carla Ahlander, Thom Barth, Otto Berchem, Karolin
Bräg, Nathan Coley, Com&Com, Raphaël Cuomo & Maria Iorio, Martin Dammann, Beth
Derbyshire, Hansruedi Fricker, Rainer Ganahl, Per Hüttner, Andrea Iten, Ruediger John, San Keller, Christian Konzett, Martin Krenn, Anne Lorenz, Kurt Matt, Yves Mettler, Chantal Michel, Alexander Odermatt, Walid Raad /The Atlas Group, Oliver Ressler , Frank & Patrik Riklin, Christof Salzmann, Eran Schaerf, Christian Schwager, Ulrike Shepherd, Roman Signer, Steffenschőni, Ernst Thoma, Sofie Thorsen, Miriam Thyes, Richard Tisserand, Kerstin Wagener, Zoë Walker & Neil Bromwich, Georg Winter, YKON (Sasha Huber, Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Petri Saarikko und Tomas Träskman).
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